Cherry Blossom Season Begins
It’s not quite cherry blossom season but the blooms are beginning their opening process as greenish yellow buds sprout out of the blackish barked stems. Most of the buds have no hint of link or white, but I did see a few with a little extra color. That means it...Cherry Blossoms at 50%
The past few days before the weekend were warm, but this weekend got a little cooler. Cherry blossoms were about 30 to 40% opened Saturday and about 40 to 50% today, Sunday. With the warm weather we had during the daytime yesterday and today, the blossoms should open...Freaky Hanami Weekend Weather
For the past few years, weekends have been a drama with weather. One thing that has almost always happened is it rains Friday night and stops early Saturday morning. Then around lunchtime, the clouds begin gathering again. From this point, it’s anyone’s...Warm Weather Should Speed Up Cherry Blossom Blooming
Warm weather has been hanging around the Kansai region of Japan this past week bringing a mix of sunshine and rain. Rain began to fall yesterday afternoon and continued throughout most of the day today tapering off around 2pm. Temperatures at that time were warm,...
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