Less Costco Traffic Than Expected
Before Costco was built in Yawatashi, locals were worried about traffic problems getting worse than they already are in the area. Weekday traffic has gradually gotten back to about previous levels. Weekends, however, are another matter. Saturday and Sunday are the...Unbelievable English in Japan
Even though Japan has come a long way from the days when foreigners were seldom seen and English was a language that most Japanese could only read and write, Japanese people still have a hard time using English, as is apparent in this recent sale sign created by a...Shops All Closed Down
Ever try to go shopping in Japan on January 1st? Even though there are shops like Costco and other large supermarkets that are open, finding most other shops open on the first day of the new year is difficult. Most shops in Japan close on January 1st and many...Costco Yawata Officially Opens Today
As of today, Kyoto can boast of having a Costco located within the prefectural boundaries! Yawata City, which lies just along the northeastern border of Osaka prefecture, is host to one of the latest Costco stores to be opened in Japan. Tons of people will be flocking...Costco Kyoto Opening Date Announced
Two days after we posted that Costco would probably open their doors to the Yawatashi, Kyoto store on December 8th, Costco changed the sign outside the store and added the opening date. Costco Yawata will open December 9th! If you are not a member yet, get your...
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