How will you spend New Year’s Eve? People around the world
spend the special evening celebrating the old year and the new year
about to start in different ways. Some go to parties. Some will
visit shrines or temples or even churches. However, as for
Japanese, a vast majority will sit in front of their brand spanking
new HD TVs this New Year’s Eve. Why? Japan is going completely
digital in 2011. In November last month, a huge number of nihonjin
(Japanese) bought HD TVs so they would qualify to receive Eco
Points, a system created to stimulate sales and give people more
spending power under the guise of being Green. Those who just
bought a much wider screen TV will want to experience the new high
definition shows already available and get their money’s worth from
the new entertainment device. Some, like myself, will maybe have a
party where friends can also join in on the experience. Happy New
Year hi-def style!
Ringing in the New Year Watching TV
Posted by Kyle Yates on December 29th, 2010