Are you ready for Christmas?
Even though the main reason for Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, many people, however, cannot deny feeling the need to focus on shopping for presents to give their loved ones, coworkers and friends. There are many other things to do besides shopping for gifts. There are parties to prepare for, lights to put up and out, decorations to make and set out, places to go and people to see and foods to be bought and eaten.
Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year, and it is getting busier here in Japan as more and more people implement the holiday into their lives.
Less than 5 years ago, Christmas wasn’t as popular as it is today. Very few people decorated their homes with lights or put up Christmas trees. Nowadays, you can find Christmas trees and ornaments in many, if not most, “Do-It-Yourself” home craft and home centers like Musashi, Kohnan, Royal, Komeri and Joyful home centers. My personal favorite is Musashi. They have a huge assortment of things from building supplies to interior as well as tons of art and craft supplies. And when I say art and craft supplies, I don’t mean just a few. If you are having a hard time finding something to do your next craft or art project, go to Musashi. They’ll probably have it along with a few others to choose from. And their prices? Most of the things I buy there are less there than anywhere else; just one more reason to shop there. Besides that, their products are also well made, some from China, but many things made in Japan.
So if you are in need of Christmas supplies, find the nearest Musashi, or any other DIY home center and you should be able to find what you’re looking for. And when Christmas Day arrives, take some time to reflect on the true meaning of the holiday, if not allow it to carryover into all the days thereafter. Have a very Merry Christmas!