=== uCan Post === Contributors: cartpauj Donate link: http://cartpauj.com/donate/ Tags: ucan post, user posting, user posts, users, post, posts, blog posts, blog, blog content, add posts, users add posts, posting form, form, posting, cartpauj Requires at least: 2.8.6 Tested up to: 3.1 Stable tag: 1.0.08 The easiest way to allow your users, and even guests, to create posts/content from a page on your WordPress-based site. == Description == The easiest way to allow your users, and even guests, to create posts/content on your WordPress-based site. uCan post adds a configurable submission form to a page on your site allowing users to contribute content to your site. The best part about this is that your users/guests don't have to access the dashboard. With just a handful of simple yet powerful settings you can have this all setup in under 3 minutes. uCan Post imitates the regular WordPress post/page editor and even allows Media Uploads. Click to [TRY IT](http://cartpauj.com/ucan-demo/)! = Donate = [If you like this plugin please consider donating](http://cartpauj.com/donate) = See uCan Post In Action = You can try uCan Post out on my site: [Cartpauj.com](http://cartpauj.com/ucan-demo/ "Cartpauj.com Wordpress Plugins") = Features = * Works through a Page rather than the dashboard. This is very helpful if you want to keep your users out of the Dashboard area! * Allow guests to post * Append guests names to post * Allow media uploads * Set default category, author, and tags or let your users choose them * CAPTCHA protection * Select which level has access to the posting form (Guests to Administrators) * Set whether comments/trackbacks are allowed on submitted posts * Set whether to moderate new posts or publish them immediately * Email administrator when new posts are submitted * Email users when their post is published * Registered users can edit their posts * Tracks submissions * Collect guest names/emails for follow up * Nice WYSIWYG editor = Translations = * Note: If you would like to translate uCan Post into your language [read this](http://cartpauj.com/forum/?mingleforumaction=viewtopic&t=25.0) * Arabic (ar) * Bulgarian (bg_BG) * Chinese (zh_CN) * Dutch (nl_NL) * German (de_DE) * Italian (it_IT) * Lithuanian (lt_LT) * Polish (pl_PL) * Portuguese (pt_BR) * Russian (ru_RU) * Spanish (es_ES) * Turkish (tr_TR) == Installation == 1. Upload 'ucan-post.zip' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress, you will see a new section called "uCan Post" in your dashboard. 3. Create a page for Posting and copy [uCan-Post] into it and publish. 4. Configure uCan Post the way you wish. If you have any issues please post something here: [Cartpauj Support Forums](http://cartpauj.com/forum "Cartpauj Support Forums") == Note == uCan Post may work with older versions of WordPress if you leave the Uploads disabled == Frequently Asked Questions == n/a == Upgrade Notice == n/a == Changelog == = 1.0.08 = * Added option to exclude categories * Added option to append guest submitters name to the submission * Added option to Force media uploads javascript to load * Added login/register links to page when guests do not have access to form * Fixed insignificant js issue * Updated some localazation strings * Added Dutch Translation (Big thanks to Joplin) * Added Italian Translation (Big thanks to Roberta) = 1.0.07 = * Added option to allow registered users to edit their own posts * Added option to email users when their post is published * Added option to disable the WYSIWYG editor * Fixed some js issues * Fixed problem with contributors not being able to upload images * Added Arabic Translation (Big thanks to Anas) * Added Polish Translation (Big thanks to ppiotrr) * Added German Translation (Big thanks to pakanajuhla) * Added Bulgarian Translation (Big thanks to ddart) * Added Chinese Translation (Big thanks to Tom Heng) * Added Turkish Translation (Big thanks to Engin) * Added Lithuanian Translation (Big thanks to Povilas Riauba) = 1.0.06 = * Changed the admin layout * Added ability to track post submissions * Added requirement for guests to fill out name and email * Added blockquote to WYSIWYG editor * Added Portuguese Brazilian Translation (Big thanks to Nick Trocado) * Added Russian Translation (Big thanks to vosk72) = 1.0.05 = * Made it possible for text on page to show above the submission form = 1.0.04 = * Fixed a textdomain bug preventing translations from working properly * Added Spanish translation = 1.0.03 = * Added Template.POT file for use in translating the plugin = 1.0.02 = * Fixed IE related bug = 1.0.01 = * Fixed directory related bug causing a fatal error on some Case-sensitive servers = 1.0.00 = * Initial release == Screenshots == [uCan Post Screenshots](http://cartpauj.com/projects/ucan-post-plugin "uCan Post Screenshots")